Investor FAQs

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Where is Conduent headquarters located?
Conduent Headquarters is located in Florham Park, NJ.
Who are the members of Conduent’s Board of Directors?
You can find the list of Board of Directors here.
Who are the Executive Officers of Conduent’s management team?
Conduent’s Executive Officers can be found here.
What is Conduent’s ticker symbol and on which exchange is it traded?
Conduent’s ticker symbol is CNDT and is traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market.
When did Conduent start trading?
Conduent started trading on January 3, 2017.
Does Conduent plan to pay dividends?
Conduent does not have plans to pay a regular common dividend at this time.
How can I invest in Conduent? Can I buy stock directly from Conduent?
Conduent common stock can be purchased on the open market through any stock brokerage firm. Conduent does not offer a direct stock purchase plan.
Are there risks associated with owning Conduent common stock?
For risk factors and cautionary statements, please see our most recent Form 10, 10-Ks or other relevant SEC filings.
What is Conduent’s CUSIP number?
Conduent’s CUSIP number is 206787103.
Who is Conduent’s transfer agent?
P.O. Box 505000
Louisville, KY 40233
T: 866 574 5496
When does Conduent announce its earnings reports?
To access our financial calendar, please click here. You can sign up for email alerts by visiting the IR Services section of our website, or clicking here.
When is Conduent’s fiscal year-end?
Our fiscal year ends December 31st.
Does Conduent adhere to a quiet period policy?
Yes, Conduent’s quiet period begins on the quarter-end date and ends at the time of the earnings release for that quarter.
What financial analysts follow Conduent?
Click here to find the listing of our covering analysts.
How can I contact Conduent’s Investor Relations team or request materials?
Please click here or go to our IR Services section and click on ‘Contact Us’.